
Welcome to the 1st Online Vet Consultation Care in the Philippines!

Open Hours :
Mon - Sun : 9am - 11pm

Join Us!


  1. Talk to filtered clients who have already paid! We only allow customers to talk to you when they have paid, agreed to the limitations of online consultation, sent necessary information about the concern, sent photos and videos.
  2. NO NEED to add extra workload to staff so they can do what's more important - running the clinic smoothly.
  3. NO NEED to install new software.
  4. We protect your personal email, messenger, phone number - all clients have to fof through us so clients can't contact you directly. So you can keep your peace undisturbed (especially at unholy hours)!
  5. Protect your online page from spams - so your loyal and past customers won't be buried in spam messages.
  6. No quota